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Areas of Mediation

What areas of life does mediation cover?

Mediation affects almost every part of society and is being recognised as the most effective method of bringing a dispute to a satisfactory conclusion with all participants involved. Win – Win.

Commercial Mediation

Commercial mediation is a process used to resolve disagreements that occur in commercial relationships.

This can include disagreements over land, materials, rights, opportunities, payments and contracts. Both parties must agree to use the services of a professional mediator to resolve the dispute and to be bound by any agreement that is reached.

Civil Mediation

Civil mediation is a way for private individuals to resolve their differences with the help of an independent third party. That third party is a trained mediator, who will provide a process for the parties to find a fair and mutually agreeable solution to problems.

Mediation is a sensible and practical way of settling civil disputes without resorting to the traditional use of litigation.

Financial Mediation

Recovering debt using traditional methods is rarely an easy process; and can cause further friction, conflict, cost and stress. Addressing debt problems can often cause the breakdown of the relationship between the parties especially if the debt is disputed.

Workplace Mediation

​Having worked at every level from cleaner to Company Director and everything in between Kevin Gould brings a unique understanding of the needs of both the company and its staff and recognises the importance of good working relationships in the workplace. The days of autocratic management styles have gone and there is a much more inclusive style, which today helps the business achieve its goals. However, working relationships do not always work well all the time, after all we are only human, and the benefit of an outside mediator can be helpful to both participants; the mediator remains totally neutral, has no bias and can assist in reaching a satisfactory resolution.

Workplace mediation is a valuable tool to use in resolving and preventing conflict. The disputes that we manage take many forms and can included issues such as:

  1. Facilitating the return to work following long term sickness
  2. Accusations of bullying and discrimination
  3. Resolving conflicts following a change in management structure
  4. Colleagues not getting on after a misunderstanding or falling out
  5. Re-building relationships following a grievance process

​Tenant/Landlord Mediation

KG Mediation provides mediation between tenants and landlords to help prevent litigation, eviction or homelessness. This might be in cases where there is immediate risk of homelessness (such as a Notice to Quit) rent arrears and default, or where a breakdown in communication leads to failure to carry out repairs, impacting on the tenant’s enjoyment of the property.

Family Mediation

​Divorce and separation can be a traumatic and difficult time for couples and their children. Things can sometimes feel out of control and conflicts can quickly intensify and turn toxic, damaging parents and children alike.